Friday, November 19, 2010

Assignment #15: Multiple Intelligence Essay

 There was once a man named Anthony who lived alone with his dog. He was a very rich and wealthy man, he didn't think that he needed a wife, friends or his family to make him happy so he never really talked to anybody. All he cared about was himself, his money, all the things he owned, and his dog. Whenever he would buy something new it would make him very happy and he never thought his happiness would go away. 

 One day his mother decided to go visit him in his big mansion and they sat down in the living room so they could talk. She told him " When are you going to find a wife, your not going to have that money forever" and all Anthony said was " I don't need a wife mom and I have a lot of money, I'm sure I'll have it for a long time time". She could never reason with her son, so we went home but before she left she only said one thing to him..."good luck son". After that he was wondering why his mom told him that, but after a few minutes he just forgot about everything she told him.

 A few months later Anthony notices that something is wrong with his dog so he takes him to the vet. The vet tells Anthony that his dog is very sick and it would be best to put him to sleep so he doesn't have to suffer anymore. Anthony is crying when he goes in the room to say goodbye to his best friend. When he goes home he decides to stop at the mall and he buys himself a few things hoping it would make him happy again. It worked, but the next day the sadness came back and this happened everyday. He would be sad so he would go buy something to make him happy.

  After a month or two, Anthony only had about $500 left. He spent all his money in that little time, but even though he didn't have a lot of money it didn't stop him from buying more things. Once he spent every dollar that he had, he had no idea what to do anymore. He was very depressed, all he did was stay home and lay in bed. One day his mom called him and she knew that something was wrong. He told her everything that happened and she said "you can come live with me and your dad if you want" and he decided to go. Being with his parents and talking about everything was starting to make him feel better about his life. Anthony finally realized that money isn't everything and it doesn't exactly make you happy, it's the people in your life that care about you that make you happy.

Assignment #14:Persuasive Essay: Uniforms

 I think that all students should be able to wear whatever they want and show their personality with what they wear. The administration should give us a chance to show that we could wear what we want but still follow the rules that they give us. I'm sure that the students wouldn't want to mess things up because nobody likes to wear uniforms. I think that most students will agree with having no uniforms at our high school, but if some students disagree than they should wear uniforms if they want as long as the rest of the students wear the clothes they would like to wear.

 Students would like to wear their normal clothes to school because it expresses their personality and shows their style. If everybody wears exactly the same thing everyday, I think it will be boring because nobody wants to look the same. There might be other ways to express yourself, but it's kind of hard when you have to dress a certain way and only wear certain colors. In elementary and middle school, I had to wear uniforms and honestly I didn't really like it but I didn't have a choice. There were only some days when they let the students wear their normal clothes and everybody was happy we didn't have to wear the uniforms for a day.

 I think that the school uniforms are kind of ugly. They only have certain styles and colors you could pick from. Maybe if they made the uniforms more fashionable or something, the students probably wouldn't mind wearing them. Once in awhile you could find normal clothes that are the colors of uniforms, but I don't think that happens very often. If you don't follow the dress code it seems like you get in a lot of trouble just for that and I think that it shouldn't be a big problem because they are just clothes. It's like there could be worse problems at the school, but the teachers and administration end up going after the students that didn't follow the dress code.

 Another thing about school uniforms is that our parents have to go buy us new clothes just for school every year because eventually we will grow out of the clothes from the year before. Uniforms aren't that cheap either and there's a lot of families that don't have much money to buy their children new clothes. Just for their children to go to school they have to find ways to buy the uniforms and once school is over it's not like we are going to wear them again. We will either throw the old uniforms away or we will give them to somebody else, so they could use them.

 Also, students aren't the only people that don't like the uniforms, there are teachers that don't like to follow the dress code either. They only follow it because it's their job and they don't want to end up getting fired. Another thing the students don't like is when the school bands certain clothing because it's "gang related". Just because it could be "gang related" doesn't mean that the people who wear it are in gangs. Like to me it's just clothes that you wear, it doesn't mean I'm in a gang. If I wear those certain clothes, I will get in trouble for sure and then the administration will probably call my parents. It's like they think the parents have all the time in the world to bring their child a change of clothes. Most parents have jobs or they are out getting things done and they can't answer their phone or something.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 12: The Black Cat

Assignment #10: Bullying

Assignment #9: Alien Contact

 Well one day humans on earth figured out that there could be life on this new planet that was discovered. They were watching this planet all the time and they never seen anything, so they started thinking maybe there isn't life on that planet at all. So they all went on with their lives and forgot about that planet completely. On that planet there actually was life that we didn't know about because they never let us see them, they would hide. They would be considered as aliens to us, well they were also watching us from their planet. They were planning when they would visit earth, they been planning this for years, but they never wanted to go because they were scared we would do something bad to them.

 Well one day they finally decided to travel in their spaceship and they came to earth, but they landed where nobody could see them. They all got out of their spaceship and walked around. They figured it was okay and they started walking towards places where people lived. As they got closer, humans started noticing that these creatures were not human at all. They looked very different from us. They had really big eyes, they were very tall and each of them had a different skin color that was either green, purple, or blue. They would wear these weird space clothes and they also talked in a weird language that we never heard before, but they also learned to speak all the languages we use here on earth.

 The aliens didn't want to make trouble or cause problems, they wanted to talk with us and make peace between our worlds. When the aliens tried to speak to the people everybody went crazy and didn't know what to do. The humans weren't ready to meet aliens and they never expected they would see other life like this because most humans didn't believe there would be other life in space. The aliens tried telling the people "we come in peace", but nobody would listen. Then this old man walks out of his house and says "why is everybody going crazy" and he looks up and he sees the aliens looking at him, but he didn't get scared at all.
 The old man looks at them from their head down to their feet and says "what are you?", one of the aliens says " My species comes from the planet ziggy, were here to make peace with your planet earth but once your people saw us they started running around going crazy". Some people seen the old man talking to the aliens and they "old man you are really crazy, those things might eat you or something", but the man ignored them. After that, the old man invited the aliens into his house and they all decided to go. They all talked for hours and they learned a lot about each other. 

 As the days went on the humans finally calmed down and actually wanted to try talking with the aliens. The humans found out that the aliens have a lot of things in common with us and they started treating the aliens like normal people.  

Assignment 11: The Concrete Rose

Tupacs poem was a great poem, it was about his life and how he grew up, but he put everything in a poetic way. I think it has to do with the way he grew up because his mom was a single mother taking care of kids and he had to learn how to do things without being taught. Instead of becoming something bad, Tupac decided to make his life into something good. He made songs and kept all his dreams alive and that's what made his life successful even though there wasn't really anybody to care about the things he was doing.

Assignment 13: Halloween Haiku

The night of horror. This scary dark night returns, the spirits arrive. Kids dress up tonight. A full moon lights up the night. The scaring begins. I hear all the screams. It's a terrifying time, and it just begun.