Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophomore Year

     This year has been kind of crazy but I got through another year of high school. This year I learned different things in school and some things about my life. I been through a lot this year, I've lost a few friends but made new ones. It's crazy to think I only have two more years to go and then I'll be out in the real world. I have meet some great people this year including teachers. This school is pretty strict but I think it helps us stay on track.
     Being a sophomore was a great experience. It was kind of challenging for me, the work started to get harder, but I still made it through the year with the help of all my teachers. I understood most of the work but when I didn't my teacher would help me out. I'm pretty happy that I got put into this school because it's not like the other high schools. It's more like a college and I thought that was awesome because I want to go to college someday after high school. I think this school and the teachers really helps me prepare for that.

     This year I was still a really quiet person but honestly I don't think that is ever going to change. I've always been quiet and shy, but this year I think I talked more than last year. I've changed a lot since middle school. In middle school I was very shy, didn't really talk to a lot of people except my close friends. Now I'm a little more outgoing, and I started to get a big mouth this year with all the drama with other girls. What can I say though it's high school that's where all the drama happens in your life. It's hard to ignore it even though you really don't want to deal with it.

     At this beginning of this year I didn't really worry about my grades, I thought I would get good grades without really trying. So most of the time I didn't want to do my homework and I ended up failing two classes. Because of that I learned from my mistake and now I'm more responsible for my grades. I'm not going to do that again. I learned that you have to grow up in high school, you can't be goofing off all your life. I don't think I've grown up that much but I'm still a teenager and I have a long way to go with my life. This year I also learned that you can't trust anybody but yourself even if they were your best friend they could turn on you.

     During this year in my history class I found out a few things about my family and I. I learned that my grandpa was in one of the wars but I'm not sure which one it was, and one of my uncles was in the Vietnam war. I also learned that my grandma is half Irish, so that must mean that I might have a little tiny bit of Irish in me which is kind of cool.

     After I get out of this high school I plan to go to college to become a vet. I love animals and I would like to help them. Other than that I don't really know what else I want to do in my life, just have to see what happens. I know that I want to travel around the world and try exciting new things. Just have to finish high school first. Two more years to go I can't wait to experience both Junior and Senior year. It's going to be awesome, graduating year of 2012.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Twilight Saga

Well after everything that has happened to Bella, she has a big desicion to make between Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. Everybody is sure that she will pick the vampire, but about in the middle in the movie she justs leaves Edward. She tells him that she loves him and will miss him but she needs to be with somebody else and decides to stay human and goes with Jacob.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My anything essay

      I'm going to talk about my life in this essay, well part of it anyway. My life is always changing one day it's great and the next it could be bad. There is so much drama in my life and I hate it, and it all started when I started going out with my boyfriend. Since like the first day we started going out I have been dealing with certain girls trying to take him from me. But after awhile they all stopped doing what they were doing except this one certain girl. I'm not going to say her name, but she comes to this school. I know she has been friends with my boyfriend since middle school and she has been my friend even longer, but she is seriously causing BIG problems in my relationship.

     My boyfriend is a very special person to me and I know people say we are too young to know what love is, but I love him so much. I don't want to lose him, but I don't really know how long we will be together. It could for a few more months or even years, you never know what is going to happen in the future. But if that certain person doesn't stop what she is doing we might not be together for much longer. Everything she is doing is really hurting me bad and my boyfriend doesn't get it, he doesn't understand how I feel because he has never been through the things I have been through. He thinks that she isn't doing anything wrong, but she is ruining everything.

     Just writing all of this is making me want to cry, that's how bad it hurts me. I just wish he would understand how I feel and tell his friend to stop. Sometimes I wish I could go far away from everybody and be alone for awhile. I know running away from your problems doesn't work because they will still be there when you get back, but I would still like to be away for awhile just to think. My boyfriend tells me to ignore her and I should but it's just really hard to do that when we fight because of her and the things she does. I always ask myself why is this happening to me hoping to get a answer but I never do. I try to let things go because I don't like fighting with him and it's really hard to do that because I let things get to me. But like they say what goes around comes around. I don't like saying this but karma will come back to her some day.

     Even though this is happening to me my life could still be great. There are days when nothing goes wrong at all and those are the days I'm the happiest. Like yesterday for example it was a really good day. We didn't fight at all and he made me laugh and smile all day long. Maybe it was because she didn't come to school. I want every day to be like it was yesterday, I really don't think that will happen though and that makes me sad. It's crazy how one person could change everything in your life and either make it better or make it worse.

     After going through all this drama you learn not to trust anybody but yourself. Even your bestfriends could stab you in the back......thats what my bestfriend did to me. It hurts so much! I always think why did she do this to me and how, doesn't she feel guilty or anything for messing up my relationship. Doesn't she feel bad for doing this to one of her bestfriends. Apparently she doesn't because she keeps doing it and hurts me more and more each day.