Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Report:The Lost Boy

 The book I read was "The Lost Boy" by Dave Pelzer. This was such a great book I couldn't put it down. "The Lost Boy" was the sequel to "A Child Called It",which was great book. Both of these books are based on true stories of the authors life. Dave Pelzer had a really rough life growing up. His mother would abuse him, make him clean, not feed him, made him live in the garage without any blankets and called him "the boy" or "it", while she treated his brothers very nice. His mother was an alcoholic and his father was a firefighter. His father would try to save little Dave from his mother, but it didn't really work. At school Daves mother would make him lie to the teachers about his bruises, so nobody would find out "the secret" of her beating him. She also burned Daves arm on the stove and stabbed him with a knife, but he always thought it was just an accident and she didn't really mean to hurt him.

 In the beginning of "The Lost Boy", Dave was given the chance to leave "the house" if he wanted to, so he did but he thought "the mother" was letting him go to easily. While he ran away from his house he thought that "the mother" would start looking for him, but she didn't. He went into a pizza place hoping to find peoples leftovers because he was so hungry.While he was there the owner called the police and told Dave he would give him a pizza if he stayed. The police came and took him to the police station where is dad picked him up, but after a few days his teachers found out about his mother beating him. The police took him away and put Dave into foster care. Dave was happy to be free and play with the other kids, but sometimes he would think his mom would find him and take him away.

 He lived with a few different foster parents and he befriended the wrong person that got him in trouble all the time. They thought he started a fire at school, when he didn't, his friend John started the fire because he was mad at the teacher. When Dave told John to tell the truth, he said that it wasn't him and that Dave started the fire. Even though Dave didn't start the fire, they sent him to juvenile hall at the hill. After his probation officer told him he had to go to court to see if his mom would get him back or not, Dave started being a really good kid because his mom was making up lies about him. Even though it was his decision, Dave didn't want to give the court any reason to send him back with his mother. His decision was to stay in foster care, after that he thought his mother was going to be angry, but she wasn't. She was crying and before Dave left she gave him toys and some new clothes.

 After finally moving in with his new foster parents, he started working so he could fix his old red bike. He spent hours riding it and after awhile as he started thinking about his future, he worked at more than one job because he knew he would have to live on his own once he turned 18 years old. When he got to that age he moved out and the foster parents he had gave him a key to their house and told him to come back home and visit. After awhile Dave joined the US air force, he always wanted to fly ever since he was a little boy. When he was there he had a life as Dave and not "a child called it".