Monday, September 20, 2010

Race in America

 My opinion about the current controversy happening in New York City about the mosque being built at ground zero, is that I think that we as America should let them build their mosque. We say that America has the freedom of religion, but we don't let the Muslims build their mosque. America acts like it's at the exact spot of ground zero where the twin towers were, but it is actually two blocks away from there. I know that on September 11 when the airplanes crashed into the towers was bad, but it's not every Muslims fault. It's not like all the Muslims came together saying lets crashed into the towers and burn them down. Most of the Muslims want to be in America to be free and live how they want to live, just like everybody else that lives in the United States of America.

 The controversy happening in Florida is another bad thing. The priest wants to burn their Koran or holy book of the Islamic people. I don't think that's the right thing to do. The priest wanted to teach the radical Islamic people, but he didn't really think it through at all. He didn't think how it would affect all the other Islamic people because not everybody is radical. It's everyones Koran, not just the radical Islamic people. It offends a lot of people, especially when the priest hasn't even read the Koran. He has no idea what it's about. The priest also wants everybody to be on his side, even the Islamic people. Which I don't understand because the priest says that they can come and be free in America, and be on his side, but he still wants to burn their Koran on September 11th.

 America says everybody is free of religion, but it doesn't really seem that way. People from all over the world come here and we treat them different because of their religious background. It's not like they do that to us and they don't try to burn our holy book to try to send us a message about something in that way. They keep to themselves and worry about their own religion, they don't try to ruin ours. I think what the priest is trying to do won't work at all. It's not going to make peace between America and Islam. It's going to make a war between us, it won't solve any problems. So I think it is a really stupid thing to do. When the priest got interviewed he didn't really answer the questions at  all, he dodged pretty much every question and he didn't really make sense about anything he was saying. To me it seemed like he didn't really have a good reason to do that to Islamic people, especially hearing some of the interviews of him. Whenever the reporter asked him a question the priest would change the topic and talk about something totally different from the reporters question. It made me wonder how many people are following in the priest steps. The priest didn't sound that intelligent at all, so the people that were following him were probably the same way. After awhile the priest finally canceled the burning of the koran, but only if the muslims move the location of their mosque away from ground zero. I think that it is good that the priest didn't do that to the muslims because I don't think the priest would like it if the muslims burned our bible. It's also good that the muslims decided to move the mosque because a lot of the americans feel that it's to close to ground zero were many people died in the terrist attack in 2001.