Monday, March 29, 2010

Time Machine

  If I could invent a time machine I would go to the future. It would be cool to go back to the past, but I would want to see how much the world changes in the future. I wonder if the earth gets worse or if it's getting better. Now in 2010 the world is getting pretty bad and where trying to do things to make it better like recycling and going green for example. It also makes you think is technology taking over the world, are there robots everywhere doing stuff for people. How much has the world changed.

  I would go to the future because I would want to see how much it has changed. I would want to go everywhere on the planet, I couldn't just pick one place. I would want to see everything. I would see if there were still animals that were becoming extinct this day, I would see if there were any new species of animals. I wonder if there would be any animals at all. They could all be gone in the future with everything that's happening now. I would also see how many trees and plants were there. Everything could be gone.

   If I could talk to anybody in the world it would be everybody. I would talk to everybody I can because I would want to know how they are living. I would try to make friends with them so they could show me around the world. I would wonder if people would even look the same as they do now. I would ask what kind of clothes do they wear, and how they live. I would ask what kind of cars they drive and if they still run on gas. I would also ask what kind of jobs they have.

  I wonder what new technology the people would have. That's another thing I would ask them. Would there be smaller phones or computers? What kind of new stuff would they have? Do they have little robots everywhere controlling everything like on the movie "Wall-e"? I want to know if people still exercise and do things on their own because in "Wall-e" all the people are very obese and they can't even walk they just sit on a chair that takes them everywhere. I would also ask if the food was different, if there is anything new to eat. I would ask if they have their food was in cups now like on "Wall-e".

  If we could go into the future we could actually figure out what we can do to make the earth a better planet and make it last longer and longer. We could change everything in our future. Well that's why I would rather go to the future because the past already happened and you can't change anything about it, but you can always change your future with the decisions you make. Just make sure you make the right decisions and help change the future for you and the next generations.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Debators

I thought this was a really good movie and I would like to watch it again. This is a movie about these kids that are on the debate team and they are treated bad because of the color of their skin. Denzel Washington plays Mel Tolson, the professor who makes the debate team. After he does a rough audition, he picks his team of four. Samantha Booke, Henry Lowe, James Farmer, and a 14 year old son of another Wiley professor. In this movie any black man or woman could be attacked for simply owning a nice suit and a nice car. These people get through that and they practice together to beat local schools that they go up against. Later in the movie they go to USC, a school that is willing to go against African Americans. The debate team has to do this on their own because the professor can't leave to go with them. If he goes he could ruin it for "The great debaters" because he is being watched by the cops. So when the team gets over there they get their topic and they just research it. When it's time to debate they let the 14 year old do it instead of Samantha, his team believed in him and he won the debate. This movie is based on a true story.

The cause I read about is Pets still being sold to research. This talks about how class B dealers get dogs and cats and send "random source" dogs to labs for research. Random source means random results. They take pets from off the streets or from animal shelters. They also come from dealers who bred the animals for research. The number of dogs and cats sold to research dropped from 400,000 in the late 1960s to 72,000 by 2007. About 3,000 of those animals come from Class B dealers. I think they should stop this completely because animals don't need to be researched on. They have their own lives and these class B dealers are messing up all these animals lives. The research dropped, but 3,000 is still a lot of animals. To take action I signed a petition about it because I think it's wrong so I'm doing something about it. Hopefully things change and they stop doing this to these poor animals. By signing a petition I am helping many animals around the world who are going through this. I am one more person who is trying to do something to change this world. So hopefully more people sign the petition and many others to stop people who are doing these cruel things.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Diego Rivera Painting

 This painting represents a lot of things. It shows mothers with their children asleep on their lap. She is just watching him sleep probably thinking how much she loves her baby. They could even be homeless or something and she's thinking how to make life better for her son. All the women could be working together and helping each other with all their kids. Trying to keep them happy and trying to protect them as much as they can. It's probably very hard for them, it looks like they don't have that nice of clothes or a real place to sleep. It makes me want to know what they're going through and why the kids are sleeping on the mothers lap instead of a nice bed. This picture could mean a lot of things maybe I'm thinking this painting means the wrong thing. I could even be right about the picture, but I'll never really know if I'm right or wrong.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Statue of Liberty

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus wrote the poem for the Statue of Liberty.This poem really represents what the Statue of Liberty stands for,which is freedom in the U.S.The U.S doesn't really let anybody come without all kinds of paper work and a green card.Which I think is wrong because the U.S is building walls so imagrants can't get in the U.S.People just want to be free and live a better life but the U.S blocks them out.The Statue of Liberty says "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me" but the United States keeps all illegal imagrants out.When illegal imagrants do get in without their papers, if they get caught they get sent back to were they came from.