Monday, April 19, 2010

Betrayed By Family and Friends

I have been betrayed by a family member and a friend. I thought I could trust them especially my cousin, but I guess I can't. It's not a good thing that can happen to you. Well my cousin was the first one that betrayed me, we were really close and were the same age so we always would hang out every day after school, we would go places together, and everything else you could think of. It was like we were sisters, that's how close we were. That’s kind of the same about my friend we were also close. I knew her since elementary school. We meet each other in 2nd grade. We didn’t hang out as much as I and my cousin but we were still pretty close friends.

I’m going to tell you what happened with my cousin, it includes my boyfriend. Well after I started going out with him my cousin became friends with him and they had one class with each other. A few months later he told me she wanted to do certain things with him and that’s when I started watching how she was around him. I noticed that when I would be with her after school she would talk about my boyfriend a lot and would tell me what happened in their class that day. When I would tell him what she would say he told me stuff that she didn’t tell me.

Honestly even though I trusted her I know that she lies about so much stuff I didn’t know if I should believe her or not. This went on for a long time and I started hearing stuff from other people that she would try to do things with him in their class. So I started asking him about it and he told me the same things that other people were saying, so I started to believe everything was true. I started getting mad and I didn’t know what to do about it. One day her older sister text-ed me and told me she said “I like Patricia’s boyfriend he’s cute.

Once I found that out I believed everything I heard she was doing. It all bugged me but when I was around her I acted like nothing was wrong even though I knew and her sister knew it bugged me a lot. One day my boyfriend came up to me after their class and he said that she told him come here and she kissed him. At that point I wanted to cry, I was hurt that she would do that to me. I didn’t want to believe it was true but he wasn’t the only one that told me. It really hurt me, I was so mad at her I just stopped talking to her without telling her why. I stayed away from her all the time, after school I would only hang out with her sister.

One day when I got home my cousin text-ed me and asked me why I wasn’t talking to her. So I told her everything I have heard and she denied all the things I told her, but you could tell she was lying because she always changed what she said it was never the same thing. After that we got into a fight and she finally told my auntie well her mom. When I was at her house her mom started telling me “my daughter wouldn’t do that” and she also said “she wouldn’t go and kiss your boyfriend”. The funny thing is I never told my cousin about that part, anyways the next day my cousin started talking to me like nothing ever happened which kind of pissed me off. I would barely talk to her, nothing was the same.

Well about a month later I decided to ask her again if she did that stuff and again she denied it. I wasn’t trying to fight with her I just wanted to know the truth. She told me “are you willing to get in a fight for your boyfriend” in those exact words and I told her if I have to. After she just started telling me a whole bunch of things and I wasn’t going to let her do that so we started fighting again. She saved all the messages where I said bad stuff in and she showed her mom and sent them to my dad. That’s when I got in trouble so I did the same thing to her and sent the messages to her mom. It was a big mess and before she showed her mom the messages me and my cousin were going to get into a actual fight with each other.

When all of that happened we stopped talking for a really long time. But one day she just started talking to me,I didn't want to talk to her at all so I just barely talked. Now we talk but not as much as we used to and nothing is the same to me. It seems like she acts the same, she acts like nothing ever happened between us. Even though I finally got her to admit she did that stuff in 9th grade. Well that's the story about my cousin I'll never trust her again.

Now the story with my friend it's not as bad as what my cousin did but it's still bad and it also involves my boyfriend. Well all three of us were friends and i found out that she liked my boyfriend a lot. So I just thought it was a little crush, but my boyfriend found out it was more then that she liked him for a long time. This also happened last year in 9th grade and it's still kind of happening now.
She knew that I was like in love with my boyfriend and she would always flirt with him all the time and all the nicknames I called him, she started using them and saying that she gave him those names. But she didn't, I gave him those nicknames before we started going out. A few times when me and him would break up she told him that she didn't want us to get back together so she could be with him, but we always got back together after about a hour. It was never a real break up.

One day we started fighting but it never got that far, and we didn't really talk a lot to each other after that. Things changed between us completely. I really thought I could trust her, but now I know you should only trust yourself. She causes so many problems with me and my boyfriend. One time we broke up because of her. I honestly think that she really tries to break us up, I don't know that's just my opinion. I really wish she would stop what she does and just move on with her own life and leave my boyfriend alone. It's really messing up our relationship and she had the chance to be with him for a long time. She knew him way before I did, she had the chance and she didn't take it. Now she is ruining it for me, well she's trying to. Well that's both of my stories. I learned to trust nobody but yourself.