Friday, December 10, 2010

Assignment #19: My Very Short Story

Assignment #18: My Poem

Was once a baby, now a teen
I used to want toys, but now I'm into boys
Life used to be so easy with nothing to worry about
and now everything seems so complicated.
Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad,but 
whatever my emotion is, life isn't that bad.
There has been good times and bad times 
I been through them all from losing my dog to
going to high school.
Life is going by so fast, so I need to live it and 
make everything last.

Assignment #17: Lone Ranger and Tonto

Assignment #16: The Journey

 When I woke up this morning in my little cabin made of green logs. It has a one bedroom that is very large, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. My bedroom has a king sized bed with purple/black sheets and a black blanket. There is a small night stand right next to the bed  which has an alarm clock and a picture frame on top. I also have a big dresser that has half of my clothes in it, all my necessities on the top and also a mirror. On the other side of the room is my walk-in closet which has the other half of my clothes and all my shoes. In the bathroom there is a black shower curtain, black carpets and a black soap holder. Around the sink is a marble countertop, the countertops are also marble in the kitchen. In the kitchen is a large metal refrigerator, right next to it is the stove and the oven. Right next to the sink is the dishwasher and the food closet. In the living room is a big screen tv and in front of it is the dark brown couch. Next to the couch and in one of the corners of the room is two small glass tables that have small lamps on them. There is one window right above the glass table that's in the corner. 

 When I walk out the front door, I see this mountain meadow and a small lake. Around the lake is beautiful yellow flowers and long green grass everywhere. There are tall, green pine trees all around the meadow. The air is very fresh and you can smell the pine trees everywhere you go. The sun is shinning bright, I can hear all the little birds tweeting. I can see all the little chipmunks and squirrels running around, there are ducks floating and diving in the blue green lake looking for fish to eat. As I walk across the meadow to get to the mountains I see a few deer just walking around and some of them going to drink water.

 As I get to the base of the mountain it looks like a very long way to the top. The mountain is very rocky and it's not as green as the meadow below, it is more brown except the pine trees of course.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Assignment #15: Multiple Intelligence Essay

 There was once a man named Anthony who lived alone with his dog. He was a very rich and wealthy man, he didn't think that he needed a wife, friends or his family to make him happy so he never really talked to anybody. All he cared about was himself, his money, all the things he owned, and his dog. Whenever he would buy something new it would make him very happy and he never thought his happiness would go away. 

 One day his mother decided to go visit him in his big mansion and they sat down in the living room so they could talk. She told him " When are you going to find a wife, your not going to have that money forever" and all Anthony said was " I don't need a wife mom and I have a lot of money, I'm sure I'll have it for a long time time". She could never reason with her son, so we went home but before she left she only said one thing to him..."good luck son". After that he was wondering why his mom told him that, but after a few minutes he just forgot about everything she told him.

 A few months later Anthony notices that something is wrong with his dog so he takes him to the vet. The vet tells Anthony that his dog is very sick and it would be best to put him to sleep so he doesn't have to suffer anymore. Anthony is crying when he goes in the room to say goodbye to his best friend. When he goes home he decides to stop at the mall and he buys himself a few things hoping it would make him happy again. It worked, but the next day the sadness came back and this happened everyday. He would be sad so he would go buy something to make him happy.

  After a month or two, Anthony only had about $500 left. He spent all his money in that little time, but even though he didn't have a lot of money it didn't stop him from buying more things. Once he spent every dollar that he had, he had no idea what to do anymore. He was very depressed, all he did was stay home and lay in bed. One day his mom called him and she knew that something was wrong. He told her everything that happened and she said "you can come live with me and your dad if you want" and he decided to go. Being with his parents and talking about everything was starting to make him feel better about his life. Anthony finally realized that money isn't everything and it doesn't exactly make you happy, it's the people in your life that care about you that make you happy.

Assignment #14:Persuasive Essay: Uniforms

 I think that all students should be able to wear whatever they want and show their personality with what they wear. The administration should give us a chance to show that we could wear what we want but still follow the rules that they give us. I'm sure that the students wouldn't want to mess things up because nobody likes to wear uniforms. I think that most students will agree with having no uniforms at our high school, but if some students disagree than they should wear uniforms if they want as long as the rest of the students wear the clothes they would like to wear.

 Students would like to wear their normal clothes to school because it expresses their personality and shows their style. If everybody wears exactly the same thing everyday, I think it will be boring because nobody wants to look the same. There might be other ways to express yourself, but it's kind of hard when you have to dress a certain way and only wear certain colors. In elementary and middle school, I had to wear uniforms and honestly I didn't really like it but I didn't have a choice. There were only some days when they let the students wear their normal clothes and everybody was happy we didn't have to wear the uniforms for a day.

 I think that the school uniforms are kind of ugly. They only have certain styles and colors you could pick from. Maybe if they made the uniforms more fashionable or something, the students probably wouldn't mind wearing them. Once in awhile you could find normal clothes that are the colors of uniforms, but I don't think that happens very often. If you don't follow the dress code it seems like you get in a lot of trouble just for that and I think that it shouldn't be a big problem because they are just clothes. It's like there could be worse problems at the school, but the teachers and administration end up going after the students that didn't follow the dress code.

 Another thing about school uniforms is that our parents have to go buy us new clothes just for school every year because eventually we will grow out of the clothes from the year before. Uniforms aren't that cheap either and there's a lot of families that don't have much money to buy their children new clothes. Just for their children to go to school they have to find ways to buy the uniforms and once school is over it's not like we are going to wear them again. We will either throw the old uniforms away or we will give them to somebody else, so they could use them.

 Also, students aren't the only people that don't like the uniforms, there are teachers that don't like to follow the dress code either. They only follow it because it's their job and they don't want to end up getting fired. Another thing the students don't like is when the school bands certain clothing because it's "gang related". Just because it could be "gang related" doesn't mean that the people who wear it are in gangs. Like to me it's just clothes that you wear, it doesn't mean I'm in a gang. If I wear those certain clothes, I will get in trouble for sure and then the administration will probably call my parents. It's like they think the parents have all the time in the world to bring their child a change of clothes. Most parents have jobs or they are out getting things done and they can't answer their phone or something.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment 12: The Black Cat

Assignment #10: Bullying

Assignment #9: Alien Contact

 Well one day humans on earth figured out that there could be life on this new planet that was discovered. They were watching this planet all the time and they never seen anything, so they started thinking maybe there isn't life on that planet at all. So they all went on with their lives and forgot about that planet completely. On that planet there actually was life that we didn't know about because they never let us see them, they would hide. They would be considered as aliens to us, well they were also watching us from their planet. They were planning when they would visit earth, they been planning this for years, but they never wanted to go because they were scared we would do something bad to them.

 Well one day they finally decided to travel in their spaceship and they came to earth, but they landed where nobody could see them. They all got out of their spaceship and walked around. They figured it was okay and they started walking towards places where people lived. As they got closer, humans started noticing that these creatures were not human at all. They looked very different from us. They had really big eyes, they were very tall and each of them had a different skin color that was either green, purple, or blue. They would wear these weird space clothes and they also talked in a weird language that we never heard before, but they also learned to speak all the languages we use here on earth.

 The aliens didn't want to make trouble or cause problems, they wanted to talk with us and make peace between our worlds. When the aliens tried to speak to the people everybody went crazy and didn't know what to do. The humans weren't ready to meet aliens and they never expected they would see other life like this because most humans didn't believe there would be other life in space. The aliens tried telling the people "we come in peace", but nobody would listen. Then this old man walks out of his house and says "why is everybody going crazy" and he looks up and he sees the aliens looking at him, but he didn't get scared at all.
 The old man looks at them from their head down to their feet and says "what are you?", one of the aliens says " My species comes from the planet ziggy, were here to make peace with your planet earth but once your people saw us they started running around going crazy". Some people seen the old man talking to the aliens and they "old man you are really crazy, those things might eat you or something", but the man ignored them. After that, the old man invited the aliens into his house and they all decided to go. They all talked for hours and they learned a lot about each other. 

 As the days went on the humans finally calmed down and actually wanted to try talking with the aliens. The humans found out that the aliens have a lot of things in common with us and they started treating the aliens like normal people.  

Assignment 11: The Concrete Rose

Tupacs poem was a great poem, it was about his life and how he grew up, but he put everything in a poetic way. I think it has to do with the way he grew up because his mom was a single mother taking care of kids and he had to learn how to do things without being taught. Instead of becoming something bad, Tupac decided to make his life into something good. He made songs and kept all his dreams alive and that's what made his life successful even though there wasn't really anybody to care about the things he was doing.

Assignment 13: Halloween Haiku

The night of horror. This scary dark night returns, the spirits arrive. Kids dress up tonight. A full moon lights up the night. The scaring begins. I hear all the screams. It's a terrifying time, and it just begun.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Assignment #8:The Necklace

 In the story "The Necklace", there are more than one moral or teaching to this story. Those morals are that she needs to trust that she can tell her friend the truth about her losing the necklace she borrowed, another moral is she needs to be herself and try not to be something shes not and money can buy everything. She was too worried about the way people would think of her at that party, so she had to make herself seem like she had money by changing the way she looked and borrowing a necklace from her friend.

 When she lost the beautiful diamond necklace, she didn't know what to tell her friend, but instead of just telling her friend the truth she ended up trying to buy a new necklace that cost a lot of money that she didn't have. Her and her husband worked their butts off trying to pay off the guy who sold them the necklace, but after ten years they finally paid it off. Mathilde finally went and returned the necklace to her friend. She told her that she lost the one she borrowed, but her friend just laughed because the necklace she borrowed was just a cheap necklace that was not worth anything.

 Mathilde's whole life changed over that necklace because she didn't want to tell her friend that she lost it, but it would of been better if she would of told her the truth because she wouldn't have spent ten years paying off a necklace. Even her appearance changed because she worked so much. So in life everybody should just tell the truth about things. If you do that you can save yourself from a lot of stress and everything else.
 She should of been herself and not care what those people at the party thought about her. It would of saved her a lot of money and kept her out of trouble. Another thing is that she shouldn't just want money and nice clothes and jewels. Money isn't everything and because Mathilde tried to be something she's not she wasted her life trying to pay off a necklace and she also looked older than she was.

 I try to apply these morals to my life because I don't want to be something I'm not. I like being myself and having my own style, I don't want to be a follower. I would want people to like me for who I really am not someone they think I am. Also money isn't everything, yes it can buy you some nice things, but money can't buy happiness. I would rather be around my family whether we have a lot of money or not, they are the people that make you happy. I also try to tell the truth about everything, even though sometimes I don't want to because it's better to be honest with people then to tell them all kinds of lies.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Assignment 7: My Self Value

 In that quotation it's saying that we let jealousy run our lives. It says that we pay attention to others who do better than us, who have better things that we want. It's also a fear that we have, a fear to loss somebody or something. That fear, that jealousy takes over our lives, but we can stop it if we have self value or self worth. We should stop paying attention to others and look into our selves. We need to realize we are just as good as the other people, we just need to believe in ourselves and love ourselves. If we don't believe or love our selves, we will believe that others don't love us and would rather have the people you think are better than you.

 If you don't value yourself, you'll think that everything that has to do with you will be just a mistake. As humans, we need to change the way we think about ourselves because we always put ourselves down when we see someone who is doing anything better than you. You want what they have, but you already probably have it in you in your own way. You just have to bring it out to the surface and feel better about yourself.
In that quotation it's saying that we let jealousy run our lives. It says that we pay attention to others who do better than us, who have better things that we want. It's also a fear that we have, a fear to loss somebody or something. That fear, that jealousy takes over our lives, but we can stop it if we have self value or self worth. We should stop paying attention to others and look into our selves. We need to realize we are just as good as the other people, we just need to believe in ourselves and love ourselves. If we don't believe or love our selves, we will believe that others don't love us and would rather have the people you think are better than you.

 If you don't value yourself, you'll think that everything that has to do with you will be just a mistake. As humans, we need to change the way we think about ourselves because we always put ourselves down when we see someone who is doing anything better than you. You want what they have, but you already probably have it in you in your own way. You just have to bring it out to the surface and feel better about yourself.

 You need to find all the things that make you jealous and try to clear your head of the past and the bad expieriences. Don't let those things bother you, they shouldn't bother you because all people are equal. Just think of it as started over, making a new life without all the jealousy. Don't think of yourself lower than others, be happy about who your are. Build up your self esteem, feel better of yourself. Don't let others make you feel bad,  just be yourself and you will be loved by many.

 When you get to that point in life when you don't pay attention to what others have, but pay attention to your own life help others get to that point. You will know how they felt, so don't be the thing you were once jealous of. Help others feel better about who they are.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Book Report:Twilight

 Well I watched the movie twilight, but I also read the book by Stephenie Meyer. The book is just a little bit different from the movie, but it still kept me interested because I could picture everything that was happening in my head. I like to picture everything that's happening, but I can't always do that with every book I read. I really love the movie and the book, it's a romance and vampire story which makes it awesome. In the beginning Bella moves to Forks with her father, who is the sheriff over there. While she is there, she sees her old friend Jacob Black. He is the warewolf, but she doesn't know that. When she goes to her new high school she meets some new friends. During lunch, she noticed the Cullens. They don't eat food and their skin is really pale. They can't be seen in the light because they are vampires. Bella notices Edward Cullen the most, they also have biology class together and she thinks he doesn't like her or something. The truth is that he wants to suck her blood, his eyes are also very dark like a blackish color.

 As the days go by, Bella notices that Edward hasn't been coming to school for awhile. When he finally showed up his eyes were a very light color and he starts talking to Bella in class. His eyes changed colors because while he was gone he went hunting for food (animals), the cullens are the good vampires that don't drink human blood. After awhile Edward and Bella start dating each other and he takes her to play baseball with his family. By now she already knows that Edward is a vampire. While they were playing the game, James the bad vampire, Victoria his girlfriend, and Laurent show up. James wants to get Bella, but the Cullens protect her. They tell Edward to take her away from there, so Alice Cullen and Jasper Cullen take her to the airport and take her back to her mothers house. Her mom and step dad are away. So when she gets there, Bella gets a phone call. It says it's her mom, but it's really James telling her to go to her old ballet studio or she will never see her mom again.

 Bella sneaks away from Alice and Jasper, once she gets to the ballet studio she realizes he doesn't really have her mom. He was just trying to get her away from Edward. A few minutes later Edward shows up and starts fighting James. Bella is hurt on the floor because James broke her leg and he also bit her arm. When the rest of the Cullens show up they take over and tear James apart and burn him. While that is happening Edward has to suck the venom out of Bellas arm, but he doesn't want to do it because he don't think he will be able to stop. He does it anyways and Bella ends up in the hospital. They told her mom that she tripped down the stairs and crashed through a window.

 After  Bella got out of the hospital, Edward takes her to prom.While they were dancing, Bella tells Edward that she wants to be a vampire like him and she wants him to change her. He didn't change her but they still had a great night at the prom. The end.

I Dream a World

 To me this poem means like everybody on this world should be treated with freedom, no matter what race you are. It also means that our world should be peaceful and everybody should get along instead of fighting with eachother and starting wars.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Race in America

 My opinion about the current controversy happening in New York City about the mosque being built at ground zero, is that I think that we as America should let them build their mosque. We say that America has the freedom of religion, but we don't let the Muslims build their mosque. America acts like it's at the exact spot of ground zero where the twin towers were, but it is actually two blocks away from there. I know that on September 11 when the airplanes crashed into the towers was bad, but it's not every Muslims fault. It's not like all the Muslims came together saying lets crashed into the towers and burn them down. Most of the Muslims want to be in America to be free and live how they want to live, just like everybody else that lives in the United States of America.

 The controversy happening in Florida is another bad thing. The priest wants to burn their Koran or holy book of the Islamic people. I don't think that's the right thing to do. The priest wanted to teach the radical Islamic people, but he didn't really think it through at all. He didn't think how it would affect all the other Islamic people because not everybody is radical. It's everyones Koran, not just the radical Islamic people. It offends a lot of people, especially when the priest hasn't even read the Koran. He has no idea what it's about. The priest also wants everybody to be on his side, even the Islamic people. Which I don't understand because the priest says that they can come and be free in America, and be on his side, but he still wants to burn their Koran on September 11th.

 America says everybody is free of religion, but it doesn't really seem that way. People from all over the world come here and we treat them different because of their religious background. It's not like they do that to us and they don't try to burn our holy book to try to send us a message about something in that way. They keep to themselves and worry about their own religion, they don't try to ruin ours. I think what the priest is trying to do won't work at all. It's not going to make peace between America and Islam. It's going to make a war between us, it won't solve any problems. So I think it is a really stupid thing to do. When the priest got interviewed he didn't really answer the questions at  all, he dodged pretty much every question and he didn't really make sense about anything he was saying. To me it seemed like he didn't really have a good reason to do that to Islamic people, especially hearing some of the interviews of him. Whenever the reporter asked him a question the priest would change the topic and talk about something totally different from the reporters question. It made me wonder how many people are following in the priest steps. The priest didn't sound that intelligent at all, so the people that were following him were probably the same way. After awhile the priest finally canceled the burning of the koran, but only if the muslims move the location of their mosque away from ground zero. I think that it is good that the priest didn't do that to the muslims because I don't think the priest would like it if the muslims burned our bible. It's also good that the muslims decided to move the mosque because a lot of the americans feel that it's to close to ground zero were many people died in the terrist attack in 2001.

Cultural Underpinnings of Literature

 The Judeo-Christian paradigm of the western civilization is the beliefs and the way Judaism and christian people look at the world in their own perspective. The judeo-christian paradigm help shape a lot of things in the world because everything can always relate to it some how. Some of the things that relate to the judeo-christian paradigm are literature, politics, English and many more. Judeo-christian religion is only found in America and everything relates to religious values, whether you want to believe it or not. These religious values are used every day of your life and it doesn't matter if you believe in G-d or not, this applies to everything you do. It has shaped literature, politics, the social sciences, writing, poetry, history, culture and philosophy in the United States of America.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book Report:The Lost Boy

 The book I read was "The Lost Boy" by Dave Pelzer. This was such a great book I couldn't put it down. "The Lost Boy" was the sequel to "A Child Called It",which was great book. Both of these books are based on true stories of the authors life. Dave Pelzer had a really rough life growing up. His mother would abuse him, make him clean, not feed him, made him live in the garage without any blankets and called him "the boy" or "it", while she treated his brothers very nice. His mother was an alcoholic and his father was a firefighter. His father would try to save little Dave from his mother, but it didn't really work. At school Daves mother would make him lie to the teachers about his bruises, so nobody would find out "the secret" of her beating him. She also burned Daves arm on the stove and stabbed him with a knife, but he always thought it was just an accident and she didn't really mean to hurt him.

 In the beginning of "The Lost Boy", Dave was given the chance to leave "the house" if he wanted to, so he did but he thought "the mother" was letting him go to easily. While he ran away from his house he thought that "the mother" would start looking for him, but she didn't. He went into a pizza place hoping to find peoples leftovers because he was so hungry.While he was there the owner called the police and told Dave he would give him a pizza if he stayed. The police came and took him to the police station where is dad picked him up, but after a few days his teachers found out about his mother beating him. The police took him away and put Dave into foster care. Dave was happy to be free and play with the other kids, but sometimes he would think his mom would find him and take him away.

 He lived with a few different foster parents and he befriended the wrong person that got him in trouble all the time. They thought he started a fire at school, when he didn't, his friend John started the fire because he was mad at the teacher. When Dave told John to tell the truth, he said that it wasn't him and that Dave started the fire. Even though Dave didn't start the fire, they sent him to juvenile hall at the hill. After his probation officer told him he had to go to court to see if his mom would get him back or not, Dave started being a really good kid because his mom was making up lies about him. Even though it was his decision, Dave didn't want to give the court any reason to send him back with his mother. His decision was to stay in foster care, after that he thought his mother was going to be angry, but she wasn't. She was crying and before Dave left she gave him toys and some new clothes.

 After finally moving in with his new foster parents, he started working so he could fix his old red bike. He spent hours riding it and after awhile as he started thinking about his future, he worked at more than one job because he knew he would have to live on his own once he turned 18 years old. When he got to that age he moved out and the foster parents he had gave him a key to their house and told him to come back home and visit. After awhile Dave joined the US air force, he always wanted to fly ever since he was a little boy. When he was there he had a life as Dave and not "a child called it".

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Haiku

The earth is such a wonderful and beautiful world in space.
Yet we take full advantage of this planet that is home to many.
Us humans are killing our planet and it seems like nobody cares.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Show and Tell

 I picked scooby doo as my show and tell because he is my favorite character. I grew up watching scooby doo. I have so many things of him like stuffed animals, a clock, stickers and many more. My room is pretty much filled with scooby doo things. Even though I'm a teenager I still like to watch his shows and buy more things of his. I also picked scooby doo because my grandparents would buy me his stuff as gifts and I still have those gifts. They also watched it with me when I would be at their house, which was like everyday. I guess scooby doo is so important to me because I have good memories from my grandparents.

 My grandparents are still here, but who knows how much longer they will be here. I love them very much and when they go to a better place up in heaven I'll always remember the memories we had with scooby doo. Maybe when I get older and have kids I'll give them my scooby doo stuff, so they can love him to. You never know scooby doo might be gone in a few years. Especially with all these new cartoons coming out. Scooby doo has been around for a really long time. I remember my dad saying that he used to watch scooby doo when he was younger. Well I love scooby doo and I always will no matter what. Scooby-Dooby Doooooo!!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Sophomore Year

     This year has been kind of crazy but I got through another year of high school. This year I learned different things in school and some things about my life. I been through a lot this year, I've lost a few friends but made new ones. It's crazy to think I only have two more years to go and then I'll be out in the real world. I have meet some great people this year including teachers. This school is pretty strict but I think it helps us stay on track.
     Being a sophomore was a great experience. It was kind of challenging for me, the work started to get harder, but I still made it through the year with the help of all my teachers. I understood most of the work but when I didn't my teacher would help me out. I'm pretty happy that I got put into this school because it's not like the other high schools. It's more like a college and I thought that was awesome because I want to go to college someday after high school. I think this school and the teachers really helps me prepare for that.

     This year I was still a really quiet person but honestly I don't think that is ever going to change. I've always been quiet and shy, but this year I think I talked more than last year. I've changed a lot since middle school. In middle school I was very shy, didn't really talk to a lot of people except my close friends. Now I'm a little more outgoing, and I started to get a big mouth this year with all the drama with other girls. What can I say though it's high school that's where all the drama happens in your life. It's hard to ignore it even though you really don't want to deal with it.

     At this beginning of this year I didn't really worry about my grades, I thought I would get good grades without really trying. So most of the time I didn't want to do my homework and I ended up failing two classes. Because of that I learned from my mistake and now I'm more responsible for my grades. I'm not going to do that again. I learned that you have to grow up in high school, you can't be goofing off all your life. I don't think I've grown up that much but I'm still a teenager and I have a long way to go with my life. This year I also learned that you can't trust anybody but yourself even if they were your best friend they could turn on you.

     During this year in my history class I found out a few things about my family and I. I learned that my grandpa was in one of the wars but I'm not sure which one it was, and one of my uncles was in the Vietnam war. I also learned that my grandma is half Irish, so that must mean that I might have a little tiny bit of Irish in me which is kind of cool.

     After I get out of this high school I plan to go to college to become a vet. I love animals and I would like to help them. Other than that I don't really know what else I want to do in my life, just have to see what happens. I know that I want to travel around the world and try exciting new things. Just have to finish high school first. Two more years to go I can't wait to experience both Junior and Senior year. It's going to be awesome, graduating year of 2012.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Twilight Saga

Well after everything that has happened to Bella, she has a big desicion to make between Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. Everybody is sure that she will pick the vampire, but about in the middle in the movie she justs leaves Edward. She tells him that she loves him and will miss him but she needs to be with somebody else and decides to stay human and goes with Jacob.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My anything essay

      I'm going to talk about my life in this essay, well part of it anyway. My life is always changing one day it's great and the next it could be bad. There is so much drama in my life and I hate it, and it all started when I started going out with my boyfriend. Since like the first day we started going out I have been dealing with certain girls trying to take him from me. But after awhile they all stopped doing what they were doing except this one certain girl. I'm not going to say her name, but she comes to this school. I know she has been friends with my boyfriend since middle school and she has been my friend even longer, but she is seriously causing BIG problems in my relationship.

     My boyfriend is a very special person to me and I know people say we are too young to know what love is, but I love him so much. I don't want to lose him, but I don't really know how long we will be together. It could for a few more months or even years, you never know what is going to happen in the future. But if that certain person doesn't stop what she is doing we might not be together for much longer. Everything she is doing is really hurting me bad and my boyfriend doesn't get it, he doesn't understand how I feel because he has never been through the things I have been through. He thinks that she isn't doing anything wrong, but she is ruining everything.

     Just writing all of this is making me want to cry, that's how bad it hurts me. I just wish he would understand how I feel and tell his friend to stop. Sometimes I wish I could go far away from everybody and be alone for awhile. I know running away from your problems doesn't work because they will still be there when you get back, but I would still like to be away for awhile just to think. My boyfriend tells me to ignore her and I should but it's just really hard to do that when we fight because of her and the things she does. I always ask myself why is this happening to me hoping to get a answer but I never do. I try to let things go because I don't like fighting with him and it's really hard to do that because I let things get to me. But like they say what goes around comes around. I don't like saying this but karma will come back to her some day.

     Even though this is happening to me my life could still be great. There are days when nothing goes wrong at all and those are the days I'm the happiest. Like yesterday for example it was a really good day. We didn't fight at all and he made me laugh and smile all day long. Maybe it was because she didn't come to school. I want every day to be like it was yesterday, I really don't think that will happen though and that makes me sad. It's crazy how one person could change everything in your life and either make it better or make it worse.

     After going through all this drama you learn not to trust anybody but yourself. Even your bestfriends could stab you in the back......thats what my bestfriend did to me. It hurts so much! I always think why did she do this to me and how, doesn't she feel guilty or anything for messing up my relationship. Doesn't she feel bad for doing this to one of her bestfriends. Apparently she doesn't because she keeps doing it and hurts me more and more each day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Betrayed By Family and Friends

I have been betrayed by a family member and a friend. I thought I could trust them especially my cousin, but I guess I can't. It's not a good thing that can happen to you. Well my cousin was the first one that betrayed me, we were really close and were the same age so we always would hang out every day after school, we would go places together, and everything else you could think of. It was like we were sisters, that's how close we were. That’s kind of the same about my friend we were also close. I knew her since elementary school. We meet each other in 2nd grade. We didn’t hang out as much as I and my cousin but we were still pretty close friends.

I’m going to tell you what happened with my cousin, it includes my boyfriend. Well after I started going out with him my cousin became friends with him and they had one class with each other. A few months later he told me she wanted to do certain things with him and that’s when I started watching how she was around him. I noticed that when I would be with her after school she would talk about my boyfriend a lot and would tell me what happened in their class that day. When I would tell him what she would say he told me stuff that she didn’t tell me.

Honestly even though I trusted her I know that she lies about so much stuff I didn’t know if I should believe her or not. This went on for a long time and I started hearing stuff from other people that she would try to do things with him in their class. So I started asking him about it and he told me the same things that other people were saying, so I started to believe everything was true. I started getting mad and I didn’t know what to do about it. One day her older sister text-ed me and told me she said “I like Patricia’s boyfriend he’s cute.

Once I found that out I believed everything I heard she was doing. It all bugged me but when I was around her I acted like nothing was wrong even though I knew and her sister knew it bugged me a lot. One day my boyfriend came up to me after their class and he said that she told him come here and she kissed him. At that point I wanted to cry, I was hurt that she would do that to me. I didn’t want to believe it was true but he wasn’t the only one that told me. It really hurt me, I was so mad at her I just stopped talking to her without telling her why. I stayed away from her all the time, after school I would only hang out with her sister.

One day when I got home my cousin text-ed me and asked me why I wasn’t talking to her. So I told her everything I have heard and she denied all the things I told her, but you could tell she was lying because she always changed what she said it was never the same thing. After that we got into a fight and she finally told my auntie well her mom. When I was at her house her mom started telling me “my daughter wouldn’t do that” and she also said “she wouldn’t go and kiss your boyfriend”. The funny thing is I never told my cousin about that part, anyways the next day my cousin started talking to me like nothing ever happened which kind of pissed me off. I would barely talk to her, nothing was the same.

Well about a month later I decided to ask her again if she did that stuff and again she denied it. I wasn’t trying to fight with her I just wanted to know the truth. She told me “are you willing to get in a fight for your boyfriend” in those exact words and I told her if I have to. After she just started telling me a whole bunch of things and I wasn’t going to let her do that so we started fighting again. She saved all the messages where I said bad stuff in and she showed her mom and sent them to my dad. That’s when I got in trouble so I did the same thing to her and sent the messages to her mom. It was a big mess and before she showed her mom the messages me and my cousin were going to get into a actual fight with each other.

When all of that happened we stopped talking for a really long time. But one day she just started talking to me,I didn't want to talk to her at all so I just barely talked. Now we talk but not as much as we used to and nothing is the same to me. It seems like she acts the same, she acts like nothing ever happened between us. Even though I finally got her to admit she did that stuff in 9th grade. Well that's the story about my cousin I'll never trust her again.

Now the story with my friend it's not as bad as what my cousin did but it's still bad and it also involves my boyfriend. Well all three of us were friends and i found out that she liked my boyfriend a lot. So I just thought it was a little crush, but my boyfriend found out it was more then that she liked him for a long time. This also happened last year in 9th grade and it's still kind of happening now.
She knew that I was like in love with my boyfriend and she would always flirt with him all the time and all the nicknames I called him, she started using them and saying that she gave him those names. But she didn't, I gave him those nicknames before we started going out. A few times when me and him would break up she told him that she didn't want us to get back together so she could be with him, but we always got back together after about a hour. It was never a real break up.

One day we started fighting but it never got that far, and we didn't really talk a lot to each other after that. Things changed between us completely. I really thought I could trust her, but now I know you should only trust yourself. She causes so many problems with me and my boyfriend. One time we broke up because of her. I honestly think that she really tries to break us up, I don't know that's just my opinion. I really wish she would stop what she does and just move on with her own life and leave my boyfriend alone. It's really messing up our relationship and she had the chance to be with him for a long time. She knew him way before I did, she had the chance and she didn't take it. Now she is ruining it for me, well she's trying to. Well that's both of my stories. I learned to trust nobody but yourself.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My family history and traditions

Well I don't really know that much about my family history and neither do my parents, but a tradition from my dads side of the family is going to Elephant butte lake. I don't know if that's really a tradition, but my grandpa been taking my dad and my aunties there ever since they were little and my dad been taking me since I was a little baby. I have no idea how long my family has been going there before my grandpa. Over the years the lake has changed a lot well that's what my dad was telling me.
He would tell me that the water went down a lot since he was a little kid. That lake is really dry and hot so you have to always wear sunblock, but I still love it there. I always look forward to going there every summer. When I'm older and I have my own family I'm going to start taking them over there to and maybe the tradition will go on for many years after. Hopefully Elephant butte lake doesn't dry out because they are always taking out water.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Starfish Story

   The moral of this story is by doing one thing you can make a big difference. In this story the young man is throwing starfish back into the ocean one after another, but the wise man says it wont make a difference because there are to many starfish and miles of beach. I think the young man might be wiser then the wise man because just throwing back as many starfish as you can makes a big difference. Another lucky starfish gets to survive another day.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Time Machine

  If I could invent a time machine I would go to the future. It would be cool to go back to the past, but I would want to see how much the world changes in the future. I wonder if the earth gets worse or if it's getting better. Now in 2010 the world is getting pretty bad and where trying to do things to make it better like recycling and going green for example. It also makes you think is technology taking over the world, are there robots everywhere doing stuff for people. How much has the world changed.

  I would go to the future because I would want to see how much it has changed. I would want to go everywhere on the planet, I couldn't just pick one place. I would want to see everything. I would see if there were still animals that were becoming extinct this day, I would see if there were any new species of animals. I wonder if there would be any animals at all. They could all be gone in the future with everything that's happening now. I would also see how many trees and plants were there. Everything could be gone.

   If I could talk to anybody in the world it would be everybody. I would talk to everybody I can because I would want to know how they are living. I would try to make friends with them so they could show me around the world. I would wonder if people would even look the same as they do now. I would ask what kind of clothes do they wear, and how they live. I would ask what kind of cars they drive and if they still run on gas. I would also ask what kind of jobs they have.

  I wonder what new technology the people would have. That's another thing I would ask them. Would there be smaller phones or computers? What kind of new stuff would they have? Do they have little robots everywhere controlling everything like on the movie "Wall-e"? I want to know if people still exercise and do things on their own because in "Wall-e" all the people are very obese and they can't even walk they just sit on a chair that takes them everywhere. I would also ask if the food was different, if there is anything new to eat. I would ask if they have their food was in cups now like on "Wall-e".

  If we could go into the future we could actually figure out what we can do to make the earth a better planet and make it last longer and longer. We could change everything in our future. Well that's why I would rather go to the future because the past already happened and you can't change anything about it, but you can always change your future with the decisions you make. Just make sure you make the right decisions and help change the future for you and the next generations.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Great Debators

I thought this was a really good movie and I would like to watch it again. This is a movie about these kids that are on the debate team and they are treated bad because of the color of their skin. Denzel Washington plays Mel Tolson, the professor who makes the debate team. After he does a rough audition, he picks his team of four. Samantha Booke, Henry Lowe, James Farmer, and a 14 year old son of another Wiley professor. In this movie any black man or woman could be attacked for simply owning a nice suit and a nice car. These people get through that and they practice together to beat local schools that they go up against. Later in the movie they go to USC, a school that is willing to go against African Americans. The debate team has to do this on their own because the professor can't leave to go with them. If he goes he could ruin it for "The great debaters" because he is being watched by the cops. So when the team gets over there they get their topic and they just research it. When it's time to debate they let the 14 year old do it instead of Samantha, his team believed in him and he won the debate. This movie is based on a true story.

The cause I read about is Pets still being sold to research. This talks about how class B dealers get dogs and cats and send "random source" dogs to labs for research. Random source means random results. They take pets from off the streets or from animal shelters. They also come from dealers who bred the animals for research. The number of dogs and cats sold to research dropped from 400,000 in the late 1960s to 72,000 by 2007. About 3,000 of those animals come from Class B dealers. I think they should stop this completely because animals don't need to be researched on. They have their own lives and these class B dealers are messing up all these animals lives. The research dropped, but 3,000 is still a lot of animals. To take action I signed a petition about it because I think it's wrong so I'm doing something about it. Hopefully things change and they stop doing this to these poor animals. By signing a petition I am helping many animals around the world who are going through this. I am one more person who is trying to do something to change this world. So hopefully more people sign the petition and many others to stop people who are doing these cruel things.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Diego Rivera Painting

 This painting represents a lot of things. It shows mothers with their children asleep on their lap. She is just watching him sleep probably thinking how much she loves her baby. They could even be homeless or something and she's thinking how to make life better for her son. All the women could be working together and helping each other with all their kids. Trying to keep them happy and trying to protect them as much as they can. It's probably very hard for them, it looks like they don't have that nice of clothes or a real place to sleep. It makes me want to know what they're going through and why the kids are sleeping on the mothers lap instead of a nice bed. This picture could mean a lot of things maybe I'm thinking this painting means the wrong thing. I could even be right about the picture, but I'll never really know if I'm right or wrong.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Statue of Liberty

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus wrote the poem for the Statue of Liberty.This poem really represents what the Statue of Liberty stands for,which is freedom in the U.S.The U.S doesn't really let anybody come without all kinds of paper work and a green card.Which I think is wrong because the U.S is building walls so imagrants can't get in the U.S.People just want to be free and live a better life but the U.S blocks them out.The Statue of Liberty says "Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me" but the United States keeps all illegal imagrants out.When illegal imagrants do get in without their papers, if they get caught they get sent back to were they came from.

Monday, February 22, 2010

My Favorite quotes

1. "It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend (Blake, William)."
2. "A true friend is someone who knows there's something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face (unknown)."
3. “Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts (unknown).”
4. “If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were (unknown).”
5. “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today (Dean, James).”
6. “They remember me as this shy girl sitting under the table. But they obviously didn't know what was going on in my head (Scorupco, Izabella).”
7."Wanting him is hard to forget, loving him is hard to regret, losing him is hard to accept, but even with all the hurt I've felt, letting go is the most painful yet (unknown)."
8. "According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right. According to you I’m difficult, hard to please, forever changing my mind.I’m a mess in a dress, can’t show up on time, even if it would save my life.
According to you. According to you. But according to him I’m beautiful, incredible, he can’t get me out of his head. According to him I’m funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted. Everything is opposite, I don’t feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what I got to lose. He’s into me for everything I’m not, according to you(Orianthi, 2010)."
9. "You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories (Clark, Melanie)."
10. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out (Winchell, Walter)."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Industrial Revolution

Monday, February 8, 2010

Save Sumatran Tigers from Extinction

I think they should really stop killing these beautiful animals because there's not many of them left. There is only about 400-500 of these tigers. People are killing them for their fur and I don't think that is right. Instead of using real fur they should make fake fur, if people did this a lot of animals wouldn't be going extinct. They are also killed for their body- parts like their bones which are grounds up and made into a traditional medicine. The tigers are also dying because people are cutting down their habitat and the trees just so we can have paper. If more people would recycle, then so many trees wouldn't be cut down. If this keeps happening, then they are going to be extinct in maybe a year and our children will never see a tiger.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Light in the Kiva

This picture is a lot more than just sunlight going into a dark hole. It can mean many things for example it could be the beginning of something new. It's the starting of a new day of our lives, the sun is coming up and it is shining very bright. That new day is not about the past, it's about the present. Look forward to the start of something new each day, and learn about yourself. The light is like the way you look at the world in front of you. Its gods light coming through the darkness.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beautiful Sunsets

As I am sitting on the beautiful beach i watch the sunset fade.
I feel the light ocean breeze on my face as the orange sun goes down.
I watch all the wonderful colors as the night sky starts to come in.